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Meet Ms.Harris!

My name is Ms. Shamara Harris, and I am your new CTE Marketing Teacher! This is my 2nd year teaching at Harding, and I am uber excited about it! I love education and I love business, so I decided to combine the two! I was born and raised in Fayetteville, NC. I graduated from the ILLUSTRIOUS Winston Salem State University, with a Bachelor of Science in Marketing.-Go Rams! I discovered my love for education, immediately following my college graduation in 2012, and haven’t looked back since! I look forward to many more years of teaching, and meeting the brilliant students here at HU!

I will be teaching:
-International Marketing 

-Marketing Applications

My Favorite Things To Do:

-Cook....& Eating!

-Travel (literally my favorite thing...EVER!!)

-Swimming (l love, love, loveee the beach)

-Getting organized (Weird I know...but it's so fun!)

Fun Fact:

I run two separate businesses outside of teaching!

I also snort when I laugh!

Enough about me guys! I am totally here for YOU! I want you all to love and understand  Marketing just as much as I do....and even if you don't grow to love it, you won't leave the school year without understanding it. Do your best, ask questions, and remember that Ms. Harris is here to help YOU! Now let's get this party started!!


Cell: 910.216.0908

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